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Interaction Between Higher School and Employers in Teaching Specialists of the Social Sphere
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Abstract: The article describes the forms of interaction between the university and employers, based on the establishment and development of partnership to teach specialists of the social sphere, to exchange information on urgent social problems requiring an integrated approach and attracting additional resources of civil society, including students. A long-term strategic agreement was concluded between the USPU and the Ministry of Social Policy to fulfill these tasks and provide institutions that give social assistance and support to the population of the Sverdlovsk region with qualified specialists in social work. Along with the traditional forms of interaction, such as students' practice, some other forms of cooperation become topical, among them: employers' participation in the development and implementation of Main Professional Educational Program, and agreement on the requirements for the quality of training of university graduates in accordance with educational and professional standards. Special role is given to practice-oriented training, which involves students in socio-significant research, project and volunteer activities. Implementation of the joint activity of the university and employers, acting as customers and experts in the market of educational services, contributes to improving the quality of training of future social work specialists, forms professional competence in accordance with the needs of the employer and increases mobility and competitiveness of the graduates. The research proved that cooperation of the university with employers is fruitful for both parties. On the one hand, employers see the university as the most appropriate structure, as it unites the students and gives employers a possibility to involve students in the necessary projects. On the other hand, university has the opportunity to involve material, organizational and other resources of departmental organizations.
Key words: Higher school; university; employer; social interaction; forms of interaction; quality of education; professional competence; social partnership; training of future specialists; social worker.
For citation
Zyskina, M. A. Interaction Between Higher School and Employers in Teaching Specialists of the Social Sphere / M. A. Zyskina, N. V. Shramko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №5. – P. 69-74.