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Components of the Methodological System of Continuous Students’ Computer Competence Development
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Abstract: The article looks at issues related to teaching students of the Humanities to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of learning and in their professional activities. The article gives an analysis of studies dealing with selection of teaching strategies and forms of education at the age of computer-based learning. The article analyzes forms of computer-based education for which a Bachelor or Master student should be prepared regardless of their major. Emphasis is made on the forms of computer-based education enhancing students’ interest in and motivation for studies. The author examines teaching strategies, such as case studies, round table discussion, etc. and suggests combination of different forms and methods of education aimed at development of a creative personality capable of self-development and self-improvement in their professional field. The author argues that forms and methods of education are closely interconnected and the use of certain strategies involves employment of certain methods. The article presents the results of an educational experiment, which shows that Bachelor and Master students in the experimental groups achieved the euristic and creative levels of proficiency.
Key words: Computer science; information and communication technologies; teaching strategies; continuous information competence development; forms of education.
For citation
Gerova, N. V. Components of the Methodological System of Continuous Students’ Computer Competence Development / N. V. Gerova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 31-37.