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Implementation of the Certification Training for Future IT-specialists in the Framework of the Academic Subject
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Abstract: The describes an opportunity and expediency of training future IT-specialists taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards and the professional standards "Specialist in Information Systems" and "Programmer". The importance of high-quality training of IT staff and the advantages in labor market of those experts who have fundamental knowledge, necessary for the IT specialist in the field of programming are described. The possibility of realization of certified training of students to pass examination in "1C:Professional" successfully within the main professional educational program is considered. The substantial and methodological bases of the use of the authorized training courses of 1C for partial embedding in a high school training course are analyzed. Features of training Bachelor students are considered. Conditions of granting resources of ICT-vendor to educational institutions and natural persons are described. The option of optimization of training process in the subject due to the use of technology of a screencasting for carrying out practical works is offered. In the course of training studenrs qcquire practical skills meeting the requirements of labor market; allprofessional, subject-oriented competences and personal qualities are developed too. The conclusion are made about the possibilities of implementation of certified training of students within the main professional educational program to get the certificate in "1C:Professional" within High school, and about expediency of use of the authorized training courses and other resources of ICT vendors in training of future IT specialists in pedagogical higher educational institution. Teaching programming on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform for students of the Institute of Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies is conducted within the subject "Administration and programming in system 1C" for students of the 4 course, specialties "09.03.02 Information systems and technologies" and "02.03.02 Fundamental informatics and information technologies".
Key words: Training of IT-specialists; professional standards; IT-specialists; industrial certification; screencasting.
For citation
Lanskikh, S. F. Implementation of the Certification Training for Future IT-specialists in the Framework of the Academic Subject / S. F. Lanskikh // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 74-82.