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Changing the Method of Forming Students’ ICT-Competence in Pedagogical University with Regard to the Functional Card of Professional Activity
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Abstract: Today we try to find options for comparing and adjustment of the provisions of the Federal Educational Standard and the Professional Standard of a Teacher. The goal of the article is to illustrate the relations between the elements of the methodology for forming students’ competences (exemplified by ICT-competence) and metaprojective goals of education determined by these standards. Within the framework of the theory of the competence approach, the general pedagogical and subject-pedagogical components of ICT-competence are compared; professional competences, skills, labor activities necessary for their development are outlined in information and technological subjects («Information and Communication Technologies in Education», «Information Technologies in Professional Activity»). The comparison made it possible to identify the missing types of activities as constituent components of competences (both professional and general professional) and, as a consequence, to outline the main directions of the teacher's activity in adjusting the developed methods of forming ICT-competence: from meta-subject targets to the components of competencies and competences of students, to didactic units of content, and finally – to didactic principles, educational technologies, methods of teaching, activities, means of diagnosing the level of competence formation, illustrating specific examples of enrichment and supplementing the elements of the methodology of forming ICT-competence. The presented results reflect the general ideas that allow us to algorithmize the indicated activity of the teacher for the other competences (their formation, development and perfection). These results prove the conclusion about the interconnection and interaction of the components of the methodology, their flexible customizability and situationality, which is a separate subject of reflection and discussion not only with the teachers but also with the Mester’s Degree students.
Key words: Competence formation; functional card; professional activity; information and communication technologies; ICT-competence; prospective teachers; pedagogical universities.
For citation
Slepukhin, A. V. Changing the Method of Forming Students’ ICT-Competence in Pedagogical University with Regard to the Functional Card of Professional Activity / A. V. Slepukhin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 111-119 .