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On the Problems of Formation of Real Professional Competences of Students in Distance Learning
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Abstract: Development of self-education skills and the need of a person for it is an important condition of realization of continuous education. Distance learning becomes one of the forms of independent acquisition of professional competences due to the emergence of electronic mail service available to many people. In the Federal law "About Education in the Russian Federation" this form of training is considered one of the links in the chain of continuous education. Higher part-time education, without quitting from one’s job is the most suitable sphere of distance learning for formation of professional competences of university graduates. In fact distance learning encounters a number of problems connected with its implementation today: 1) lack of evidence-based techniques of development of training courses and materials; 2) insufficiently reliable criteria for evaluation of quality of students’ knowledge in this form of education; 3) weak training of specialists on development of training materials and pedagogical work; 4) not appropriate quality of the education and professional competences of university graduates. The article offers the following solution of the problems: to use distance learning only in some specialties, first of all, to form theoretical knowledge of students; to intensify development, introduction and support of electronic systems of distance learning, financially stimulating the teachers who are carrying out this activity; not to make distance learning an easy tool to "purchase a diploma" that is observed in some higher education institutions; to pay special attention to the practice of implementation of distance learning when carrying out accreditation procedure of higher education institutions.
Key words: Distance learning; information and telecommunication technologies; professional competencies; students; informatization of education.
For citation
Morozov, G. B. On the Problems of Formation of Real Professional Competences of Students in Distance Learning / G. B. Morozov, A. A. Osintseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 156-163.