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Methodology of Research of Modern Education as a Factor of Socio-Cultural Reproduction
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Abstract: The main socio-cultural functions of education are related to the solution of the problem of socialization and inculturation of the trainee's personality through introduction of fragments of general and special social experience. The levels of sociocultural reproduction are directly related to the content of educational levels in culture. Accepting the thesis that education is a factor of socio-cultural reproduction dictates admition of the fact that for the analysis of events occurring in modern education it is necessary, first, to imagine the changes in culture itself. Today, education plays a unique role as a determinant of changes in the society. However, the pedagogical thought, which in many respects remains on the positions of the theory and methodology of the middle of the twentieth century, is in no hurry to accept research innovations. Pedagogical culturology sets the goal of changing the essential aspects of the existence and functioning of the education system as a whole, based on the study of socio-dynamic development programs of the latter in the socio-cultural space. One of the conceptual approaches of pedagogical culturology is the theory of sociodynamics of culture by P.A. Sorokin, which allows an analysis of the development of the education system as a component of socio-cultural reproduction. The combination of pedagogical culturology and the theory of sociodynamics of culture as a multidimensional research tool provides an opportunity to involve more "spatial coordinates" of culture. However, in the structure of such research it is necessary to single out a specific structure-forming unit – the pedagogical mode. On the basis of the model of sociocultural reproduction and the definition of the pedagogical mode resulting from it, one can conduct a theoretical analysis of the evolution of the mechanisms of socio-cultural reproduction. With the help of this analysis, the main paradigmatic coordinates of modern education are distinguished. Introduction to the conceptual apparatus of pedagogical science of the concept of "pedagogical modus" and its comprehensive research opens up wide creative possibilities for development and educational theory, and its practice.
Key words: Socio-cultural reproduction; research methodology; post-non-classical science; pedagogical culturology; pedagogical mode.
For citation
Zhukova, E. D. Methodology of Research of Modern Education as a Factor of Socio-Cultural Reproduction / E. D. Zhukova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 151-155.