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To the Issues of Patriotic Education of Children in Kindergartens of Russia and China
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Abstract: The article discusses general and special approaches to the issues of patriotic education of preschoolers in Russia and in China. The importance of patriotic education is realized by the Russian and Chinese social activists, scholars and teachers: Zhang Xiao In, Li Jiadao, Jiang Yu Hong; K.D, Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, D.S. Likhachev, etc. Patriotic education requires the development of theoretical basis and special educational programs. Besides, it is necessary to work out practical approaches and recommendations for successful implementation of patriotic education of preschoolers. To reveal the children’s ideas of the Motherland, there was a survey in Russian and Chinese kindergartens to find children’s associations with the notion “Motherland”. In other words the survey revealed the imagery indicators. 84 Chinese children and 79 Russian children took p[art in this experiment. The result shows that patriotic indicators of children in both countries are similar: home, flag of the country, national sights (Tiananmen Square, Red Square, etc.) and others. The analysis of children’s pictures shows that the Russian children lack in their consciousness and activity indicators belonging to Russia: flag, coat of arms, map of Russia, samovar, matreshka, Russian birch tree, etc. It means that there is a lot of work for the kindergarten teachers to be done to perfect the content and practice of patriotic education of preschoolers. The results of this research stimulate the search for new approaches to patriotic education in kindergartens of China and Russia.
Key words: Patriotic education; Motherland; preschooler; kindergartens in China and Russia; patriotic education indicators.
For citation
Qin, H. To the Issues of Patriotic Education of Children in Kindergartens of Russia and China / H. Qin, S. S. Belousova, E. V. Korotaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №6. – P. 170-174.