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Text Interpretation as an Important Aspect of Training Future Translators and Teachers of Foreign Languages
- Hits: 331
- Рубрика: REVIEWS
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Abstract: This article is an analysis of the textbook «Interprétation du texte» in French by A.E. Buzheninov (2016), which can be used by the students of the 4th course of the Institute of Foreign Languages, of the specialty «Pedagogical Education»-«Foreign Languages». The aim of the textbook is to teach to perceive and analyze fictional text as a holistic, complete and autonomous work. Text interpretation aims at getting into the author's ideas and transmitting them to the readers. The textbook under review improves foreign language and cultural competences of students learning French. The author has provided an interesting authentic material in French, selected from modern foreign and domestic sources: types of texts, functional and stylistic features, ways of presenting texts and characters, expression of the author's view, emotionally-appraisal lexicon, lexical-semantic fields as a means of expression of the author's intention and the impact on the reader. For illustration purposes and as a basis for exercises the author proposes texts of different genres, as well as drawings. Mastering the discipline this textbook develops skills of analytical reading, monologic speech in French; it motivates students to master the categorical conceptual apparatus and to express their viewpoint in French. A paragraph is devoted to intertextuality, it offers a theoretical review and a series of exercises to identify in the text various phenomena of precedent and understand their meaning. The textbook under review can be used in teaching French as the first or the second foreign language for some other specialties: translation and translation studies, intercultural communication, in additional education programs and in the courses of teaching advanced French.
Key words: Text interpretation; French language; narrative; descriptive text; text analysis; translation; teacher’s training.
For citation
Sokolova, O. L. Text Interpretation as an Important Aspect of Training Future Translators and Teachers of Foreign Languages / O. L. Sokolova, I. B. Drozdova, N. A. Nikolaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №7. – P. 170-175.