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Directions to Improving Foreign Language for Specific Purposes Textbooks: Results of Survey
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Abstract: The article contains the results of a survey conducted among students of the University named after O.E. Kutafin, who study a foreign language in the field of law, as well as teachers of a foreign language of non-linguistic universities. It was aimed at diagnosing their satisfaction with the quality of the educational literature used, identifying the most important parameters of a foreign language textbook for specific purposes, and getting an idea about components of the textbook which are to be improved. Modernization of educational literature on foreign language seems inevitable in the conditions of constant updating of educational standards and in connection with the request for training of specialists ready to conduct intercultural communication. The respondents were given an anonymous questionnaire consisting of 5 questions of different types (choice of answer variant, argumentation, ranking). As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce a dynamic (interactive) form of the textbook that should be adaptable to the rapidly changing educational context in order to respond to the needs of each specific user; attracting international working groups to the creation of textbooks; direct participation of the student as a subject of the educational process in selecting the content of education reflected in the textbook.
Key words: Foreign language textbook; foreign languages; textbook analysis; lawyers; quality control; students; methods of teaching foreign languages; results of the survey.
For citation
Voskresenskaya, M. S. Directions to Improving Foreign Language for Specific Purposes Textbooks: Results of Survey / M. S. Voskresenskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №7. – P. 51-58.