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Musical and Dance Activity of Junior Schoolchildren in the Singing Lessons in Additional Education Institutions
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Abstract: One of the main requirements of modern musical education of children is involvement of children into musical art. In connection with this provision, children’s communication with music should be active, allowing them to “dive” deeply and comprehend the content of music. One of such forms is musical and dance activity, introduced in the educational process in the classroom of singing in youth centers.
Under the musical and dance activities we understand the combined action of singing (or listening to the musical accompaniment of the songs) and movement, which is a way of reflecting inner feelings of junior pupils, the result of which is the interpretation of music by the child. Underdeveloped in early childhood abstract thinking is compensated by the search for visual images to comprehend the music; real movement allows to "materialize" the musical fabric and to interpret the music as a part of the more conventional visual picture of the world. The article describes the stages of musical and dance development of children of primary school age in the classes of singing: preparatory – accumulation of the movements in the thesaurus of a child; developing – formation of the ability to display the content of the children's pop song; final – building skills to carry out a musical and dance activities as a means of their own interpretation of artistic and imaginative content of children's pop songs. Gradual and consistent implementation of these steps in the process of musical and dance activity allows children to master the skills that allow them to understand and interpret the artistic and imaginative content of the song.
Key words: Vocal performance activities; singing; primary school pupils; junior pupils; musical and
dance development; additional education; additional education institutions.
For citation
Gritsoshchenko, E. S. Musical and Dance Activity of Junior Schoolchildren in the Singing Lessons in Additional Education Institutions / E. S. Gritsoshchenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №8. – P. 137-141.