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Mathematical Anxiety and Internal Motivation of Learning of Teenagers
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Abstract: The article considers the main theoretical aspects of the problem of mathematical anxiety. The author points out that, on the one hand, mathematical anxiety reduces mathematical productivity, and, on the other hand, low mathematical productivity can, in turn, increase the degree of mathematical anxiety. Based on the analysis of the studies, the author suggests that mathematical anxiety is the predictor of the internal motivation of learning activity. To confirm the hypothesis, a study was conducted among 242 pupils of Ekaterinburg secondary schools aged 13 - 17. The study used the following methods: a questionnaire of internal motivation of schoolchildren's educational activity and a questionnaire of mathematical anxiety. In the study, the author found that all indicators of mathematical anxiety, apart from the social value of mathematics, differ significantly among adolescents with different levels of internal motivation. Apparently, the attitude towards mathematical education depends more on the attitude of society as a whole towards this sphere of educational activity. The main reason for mathematical anxiety is the difficulty in information processing technology, which is believed to form the basis of more advanced mathematical skills. Low mathematical success associated with mathematical anxiety can be partially caused by misunderstanding of numerical quantities. Based on the foregoing, the author can conclude that mathematical anxiety is an important problem in mathematical education, along with the problem of formation of mathematical thinking. Also, the author came to the conclusion that formation of internal motivation of the educational activity of teenagers is a predictor of the academic success of schoolchildren in the field of mathematics.
Key words: Mathematical anxiety; internal motivation; learning; mathematics; methods of teaching Mathematics; teenagers; mathematical motivation; methods of teaching Mathematics at school.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Mathematical Anxiety and Internal Motivation of Learning of Teenagers / S. A. Vodyakha // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №9. – P. 60-64.