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Development of Professional Competence of Guardians in Master’s Degree Program
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Abstract: The article deals with theoretical, content and organizational aspects of the development of professional competence of the specialists in guardianship. Professional training of the prospective guardians is one of the urgent scientific, theoretical and applied problems in pedagogy. High requirements to the quality and effectiveness of the guardianship agencies have caused the search for and substantiation of the conditions to develop the professional competence of these specialists. Professional standard of a specialist in guardianship determines the labour functions, actions, required knowledge and skills that are criteria for evaluation of their competence and professionalism. The article presents the research and educational activity of the pedagogical university aimed at professional competence of the specialists in guardianship development in the Master’s Degree Program. The educational Master’s Degree Program was developed on the analytical base of professional activity and competent levels of the specialists in guardianship as well as professional standard requirements. In a generalized form its structure and principles of educational content are presented. The developed and presented approach to the organization of the Master’s Degree educational program can be used in the system of professional training of specialists for social and guardianship departments.
Key words: Departments of guardianship; training of guardians; professional standard; educational program; Мaster's program; professional competence.
For citation
Gaysina, G. I. Development of Professional Competence of Guardians in Master’s Degree Program / G. I. Gaysina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №9. – P. 52-59.