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Monocultural and Polycultural Political and Historical Texts in the System of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language: Didactic Aspect
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-01-10
Abstract: The article is devoted to a didactic presentation of monocultural and polycultural information in the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The expansion of contacts between Russia and China brings about the emergence of a number of Chinese-Russian publications in Russian, co-authored publications, and translations from Chinese into Russian. This material includes a multitude of historico-political texts which, according to the author, fail to be properly used in the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language though they possess high potential for effective didactic application. Political and historical texts make up an inseparable part of the corpus of knowledge about the past and the present of the two neighboring countries, about their policy and economy. The material of monocultural texts is related to the five kinds of its didactic presentation associated with informational, transformational, stylistic, reductional and lexico-grammatical procession of the texts. The article contains tasks for each kind of presentation facilitating the formation of both communicative and historico-political competence of the students within the framework of a certain culture. The material of polycultural texts promotes, in its turn, the formation of intercultural competence. Drawing on the typology of exercises worked out by A. L. Berdichevskiy, I. A. Giniatullin, I. P. Lysakova and E. I. Passov, the author of the article suggests a variable system of tasks aimed at formation of habits and skills associated with intercultural reading, comprehension, comparison and application of the new intercultural knowledge. Simultaneously, the habits and skills related to various kinds of speech are formed on the material of these exercises. On the whole, monocultural and polycultural political texts used in the education process help to establish dialogue between the two neighboring countries and to promote understanding between the nations and the people.
Key words: Polycultural education; political texts; historical texts; information procession; intercultural interaction; Russian as a foreign language; methods of teaching Russian.
For citation
Ruzhentseva, N. B. Monocultural and Polycultural Political and Historical Texts in the System of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language: Didactic Aspect / N. B. Ruzhentseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №1. – P. 68-76. DOI 10.26170/po19-01-10 .