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Strategies for Working with the Vocabulary of Foreign-Language Professionally-Oriented Discourse
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-01-06
Abstract: The article discusses the conceptual meaning of the term “learning strategies”. The author analyzes different approaches to the interpretation of the essence of this term. The difficulties of objective nature and subjective nature in learning vocabulary of professionally-oriented discourse are identified in this study. The paper presents four stages of working with lexical material: the stage of acquaintance with lexical units and their initial consolidation, the stage of understanding and semantic analysis of lexical units, the stage of situational communication, the stage of control and correction. The strategies for working with the vocabulary of foreign-language professionally-oriented discourse are defined as a set of speech actions used to overcome lexical difficulties and achieve certain learning results at each stage of working with lexical units. Strategies are implemented through tactics. Tactics for working with vocabulary are interpreted as speech actions performed to develop certain lexical skills for further professionally-oriented communication. The typology of strategies for working with the vocabulary of professionally-oriented discourse was developed in recognition of the stages of working with lexical material, difficulties in learning vocabulary of English civil protection discourse. In our view, this typology of strategies is the most suitable for the construction of methods of teaching strategies for working with vocabulary to the students of a non-linguistic university. The author outlines the prospects for work in this direction.
Key words: Difficulties; difficulties in vocabulary learning; strategies; tactics; learning strategies; strategies for working with vocabulary; professionally-oriented discourse; English civil protection discourse.
For citation
Ermolaeva, M. V. Strategies for Working with the Vocabulary of Foreign-Language Professionally-Oriented Discourse / M. V. Ermolaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №1. – P. 44-49. DOI 10.26170/po19-01-06 .