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Specific Features of Communicative Competence of Psychologist in the Sphere of Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-01-14
Abstract: The problem of development and introduction of professional educational programs of training pedagogues-psychologists is urgent in the education system. The given article considers the problem of formation and development of communicative competence of psychologist in the sphere of secondary education, as well as the content analysis of projective methods of detection of the level of awareness of senior school children about the activity of the school psychologist. The emphasis is placed on the specific features of the communicative competence of psychologists, considered as the main, key competence which the psychologist is to possess. Federal state educational standards of general education place great demands on professional competences of the modern psychologist, which is especially important for the institutions realizing educational activity. The requirements to the professional functions, education and experience of the psychologist are saliently stated in the standard. The standard determines such areas as direct counseling of students, teachers and parents on the emerging psychological problems and other professional questions; popularizing activity in the field of modern psychological researches; and providing information about different types of psychological assistance. And the realities of the modern education process are characterized by certain contradictions. The main contradiction consists in the fact that in real practice, the professional activity of the psychologist mostly comes down to maintaining various documentation, writing of plans and reports, protocols, registers, etc., and, to a much lesser degree, to direct interaction between the psychologist and the other participants of the education process, i.e. to the performance of their main professional functions. The modern education system is based on the competence-based approach, which sets the task of formation, development and identification of professional competences of the pedagogue-psychologist. The professional activity of the secondary school psychologist should focus on the pupils, on the creation of psycho-pedagogical conditions for their development in the school environment, and also on the solution of social and psychological problems.
Key words: Pedagogues-psychologists; professional standards; competence-based approach; communicative competences.
For citation
Livak, N. S. Specific Features of Communicative Competence of Psychologist in the Sphere of Education / N. S. Livak // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №1. – P. 100-104 . DOI 10.26170/po19-01-14.