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On the Development of Early Care Services in Russian Federation
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-02-15
Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of early in the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of the Concept of early care development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, as well as the plan for its implementation. The main directions of formation of a unified system of early care are carried out scientific development of the leading scientific institutions of the country: the theoretical aspects of early care, the formation of the legal framework of early care, methods of early detection of deviations in the development of children in the first years of life, the creation of early care in education, evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of early care services. The analysis of the current stage of development of early care, taking into account regional features according to the subjects of the Russian Federation as of October 2017, May and November 2018. Based on the analysis of the projects of regional state programs for the formation and improvement of the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people, including children with disabilities, for 2019-2021, the main priority directions of creating a unified system of early care are identified. Also, the analysis of the proposals of the subjects of the Russian Federation to improve the regulatory framework in the field of early care for children and their families is given. The results of the analysis of information on the development of early care in the subjects of the Russian Federation demonstrated the high demand for early care services, as well as the active work of almost all regions to form a system of early care for children and their families.
Key words: Early care; children of the target group; children at risk; work with children; work with family.
For citation
Starobina, E. M. On the Development of Early Care Services in Russian Federation / E. M. Starobina, V. V. Lorer // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №2. – P. 110-115. DOI 10.26170/po19-02-15.