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Modern Approaches to Forming Communicative Skills in Children During the First Years of Life with Developmental Disabilities
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-02-14
Abstract: This article discusses in detail the period of the first years of life, including infancy and early age, on the one hand, as the most sensitive period in the formation of various lines of development (social, cognitive, communicative and motor development); on the other hand, this period is the most vulnerable when exposed to the child's body to various adverse factors of biological and socio-psychological in nature, with a high level of plasticity of the Central nervous system provides a significant compensatory opportunities of an organism of the baby and allows for organized in the early stages of correctional-developing work to overcome or to mitigate existing problems in the development. The delay in the formation of communication skills is observed in almost all children with various developmental disabilities, which determines the relevance of early speech therapy assistance to children of the first years of life and their families in stimulating the development of non-verbal and verbal means of communication. The article presents modern theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization and implementation of speech therapy impact with infants and young children. Such approaches include complex, communicative, activity, functional and family-centered. The article reveals the essence of each of the above approaches, their main aspects, especially the implementation of speech therapy work on the formation of communication skills in children of the first years of life on their basis. This direction of early comprehensive care for children with developmental disabilities, implemented taking into account such approaches, involves the process of formation of the communicative sphere of kids team of specialists of psychological and pedagogical support, taking into account the leading form of communication and leading activities of children in infancy and early age, the development of primarily those communication skills that are necessary to meet the urgent needs and needs of the child, active inclusion in the correctional and developmental process of parents and their close interaction with teachers and specialists.
Key words: Infant age; early age; developmental disabilities; limited health opportunities; children with limited health opportunities; early care; psychological and pedagogical support; communication skills; communicative sphere; integrated approach; communicative approach; activity approach; functional approach; family-centered approach.
For citation
Grigorenko, N. Y. Modern Approaches to Forming Communicative Skills in Children During the First Years of Life with Developmental Disabilities / N. Y. Grigorenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №2. – P. 104-109. DOI 10.26170/po19-02-14.