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Workaholism and Its Psychological Symptomocomplex at Pedagogical Workers
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-02-12
Abstract: The article describes the symptoms and forms of workaholism, as an addictive form of behavior among teachers of secondary and higher education. The reasons for the stability of addictive behavior patterns, personal and social deformations of a workaholic are considered. An analysis of the psychological symptomocomplexes of women and men of workaholics, identified by the author, shows which psychological aspects of the development of addictive personality are as intense and problematic as possible, which are relatively neutral, and which are quite developed to promote productive social inclusion. Using these aspects, you can vary the strategy and tactics of psychotherapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the addict. The resulting symptom complexes make it possible to create a kind of “road map” of psychocorrection or psychotherapy. The qualitative differences between men and women are mainly determined in the field of behavior control (regulatory component); degree of social inclusion (intentional component); tolerance of cultural pressure (the suffixed component); compliance with social norms and boundaries of behavior (cognitive component).
Key words: Pedagogical activity; teaching staff; addictions; addictive behavior; workaholic.
For citation
Smirnov, A. V. Workaholism and Its Psychological Symptomocomplex at Pedagogical Workers / A. V. Smirnov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №2. – P. 91-97. DOI 10.26170/po19-02-12.