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Preserving the Historical Memory About the Great Patriotic War (On the Example of Competition and Book “Young Heroes of Homeland”)
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-03-14
Abstract: The authors examine the formation and preservation of historical memory as a set of ideas about past events that are relevant for the majority of members of a particular community of people and have great educational value. With the development of technology, reading among young people goes into the background, therefore a permanent search for effective tools in the patriotic education of young people and the development of new commemorative practices is needed. These additional tools today are all kinds of games, design and competitive activities. Creative competitions enable comprehension of human values and causes of human actions, but because they are an effective means of spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children and youth. On the example of the implementation of the youth project живаяисторияроссии.рф and the holding of the contest “Young Heroes of the Fatherland”, on the basis of the book A. Y. Bondarenko, the expansion and improvement of means and methods of preserving historical memory as an important direction in educating young people for which patriotism becomes natural and the conscious quality of the personality, causing the need to act for the benefit of their country and its people. Problem of research: what innovative methods can be used to preserve historical memory? Objective: To explore and present the experience of using creative contests as a tool for preserving historical memory. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of theoretical generalization, system analysis, analysis and synthesis, comparison and description, systematization, analogy, abstraction, and others, which were used to process and present information. Main results: the article substantiates the need of modern Russia to intensify work on preserving the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War as a significant direction in the patriotic education of young people and the formation of civic identity of the multinational Russian people and presents the experience of using creative contests as an effective means of preserving historical memory. The novelty of the research lies in the analysis of the contest “Young Heroes of the Fatherland” based on the book by A. Yu. Bondarenko and its presentation as an innovative, effective commemorative means. Practical and theoretical significance of the results: the authors showed the ability to effectively use attractive for children and young people playing, creative, design and competitive forms of activity for the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children and young people.
Key words: Saving historical memory; historical memory; patriotism; patriotic education; The Great Patriotic War; patriotic projects; youth education; parenting tools; educational work.
For citation
Shakhnovich, I. S. Preserving the Historical Memory About the Great Patriotic War (On the Example of Competition and Book “Young Heroes of Homeland”) / I. S. Shakhnovich, I. A. Popp, Z. R. Zinnatullina, I. S. Popp // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №3. – P. 97-103 . DOI 10.26170/po19-03-14.