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The Role of Self-knowledge in the Students Self-development
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-04-03
Abstract: The article proves that the main cognitive activity of students at the university is self-cognitive activity. Each individual individual is the unity of the I-universal and the I-unique. All the sciences that study a person build not only a scientific picture of the world, but at the same time they create an image of a person in general and thus an image of that universal that is inherent in every single individual. Therefore, each individual student, studying the sciences of man in the process of education and self-education, thereby builds the image of his I-universal, that is, opens himself from the point of view of the universal, existing in the form of general concepts about man. These concepts (for example, conscience, duty, memory, etc.) are the methods of self-knowledge by the students of their I-unique, individual. Selfknowledge of the latter is carried out in the form of the subject, appraisal and project self-knowledge of the student. Connection of these types of self-knowledge acts as its technology. It is also proved that the student’s scientific self-knowledge is, on the one hand, a special kind of student self-development, and on the other, self-knowledge is the main condition for self-development in all its activities. The article reveals the role of student self-knowledge in his self-education, self-education, self-government, scientific, educational, practical, and health-creating activities. The role of self-knowledge in various types of student self-development is revealed through the implementation of its technology, which includes the following stages: subject self-knowledge, evaluation and design. Implementation of this technology at each stage is carried out by asking questions about certain types of self-development. In objective self-knowledge, the general question is formulated as follows: “What is my attitude towards this or that kind of self-development (for example, self-education) and why am I like that?”. In the process of evaluating self-knowledge, a student decides on the relationship of subject knowledge about oneself with various kinds of regulatory knowledge in the form of requirements for various types of students' self-development in a higher educational institution. On the basis of subject and evaluative self-knowledge, project self-knowledge (self-design) is carried out, which is aimed at solving the problems identified in the process of self-assessment through the construction of an ideal model of a student’s self-development. Fundamental value of scientific self-knowledge lies in the fact that it is only on its basis that a person can make the right choice of a profession, productive study at a university, and prepare for successful professional self-realization in the future.
Key words: Self-knowledge of students; students; i-concept; student self-development; self-education of students; self-education of students; scientific activity; educational and practical activities.
For citation
Bayluk, V. V. The Role of Self-knowledge in the Students Self-development / V. V. Bayluk // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №4. – P. 20-35. DOI 10.26170/po19-04-03.