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Characteristics of the Main Components of Artistic and Aesthetic Environment of the School
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-04
Abstract: The article presents the structure and content of the artistic and aesthetic environment of the school. Artistic and aesthetic environment — a concept that is in the stage of registration in a complex multi-level definition. In modern researches its types, components, elements, possibilities of influence on various spheres of human activity are studied. The purpose of the article is to reveal the pedagogical potential of the artistic and aesthetic environment of the school in the development of the student's personality. The importance of aesthetic design of the environment for the formation of emotional comfort and strengthening of students ' motivation for learning and development is considered. The possibilities of the artistic and aesthetic environment as a figurative value-semantic context affecting the moral formation of the individual are analyzed. Emphasizes the importance of aesthetic communication as a “field” of exchange of personal emotional reactions, cultural choices of subjects of the educational process. Attention is paid to the aspect of the artistic and aesthetic environment as a special creative atmosphere that promotes the development of aesthetic consciousness, education of humanistic ideals of the individual, the expansion of cultural orientations, the development of social experience. Methods of research is the analysis, generalization of research material on the impact on the individual characteristics of the environment of its formation and development. The methodology of the work is based on psychological, pedagogical and aesthetic theories about the environmental approach in the development of aesthetic consciousness, emotional and moral spheres, creative activity, cultural orientation of the individual. Results: the authors identified and theoretically justified the main components of the artistic and aesthetic environment of the school: subject-spatial (associated with the creation of sensory-material image of the school as a HOME), value-semantic (revealed in aesthetic communication on the basis of works of art — moral values), emotional and psychological (expressed in the emotional atmosphere of interaction between teachers and students on the basis of passion for art, openness, trust, emotional support), creative (associated with the discoveries of personal and semantic value of artistic and figurative information and the expression of their self-consciousness in creative activity), characterized by their content, characterized by their content. Field of application of results: theory and methods of training and education (General education). Conclusion: we can point out that the analytical generalization of research on the problem of the artistic and aesthetic environment as a figurative value-semantic context of personality development has led to a theoretical substantiation of the main components of this environment in the educational organization and directions for the realization of its pedagogical potential in the development of the student's personality.
Key words: Artistic and aesthetic environment; aesthetic education; aesthetic development; students; general educational institutions; personal development; environmental approach; object-spatial components; value-semantic components.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G. Characteristics of the Main Components of Artistic and Aesthetic Environment of the School / N. G. Kuprina, S. V. Vadas // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 29-35. DOI 10.26170/po19-05-04.