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Religiosity of Personality in the Context of Developmental Psychology
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-15
Abstract: In article problems on a joint of psychology of development and psychologists of religion are considered. Theories of stages of religious personal development are brought and analyzed. Theoretical sources of theory of stages of ontogenesis of religiousness are shown. J. Piaget's theory as methodological basis of allocation of stages. L. Kohlberg's theory as analog of theory of stages of religiousness of the personality. The article reveals the content and provides a critical analysis of the theory of stages of faith development of J. Fowler. Content and critical analysis of the theory of stages of the development of religious judgment of F. Oser. There is insufficient empirical confirmation of the higher stages of development of religiosity. Modern variants of allocation of stages in religious development are given. Stages of development of the child's ideas about prayer in relation to the age periods. Some modern approaches to the religious development of personality in ontogenesis are revealed. These approaches are not related to the stages of development. The theory of attachment and its explanatory potential in relation to religious development. It is shown that studies of religiosity of personality in modern psychology of development are more and more concerned with the period of early childhood. At this age, the essential basic prerequisites of religiosity are formed. The research devoted to mechanisms and separate lines of development of religiosity. The article presents scientific facts and not religious doctrines. The necessity of close interaction of psychology of development and psychology of religion is proved. The section devoted to the religiosity of the personality should be included in the course of psychology of development.
Key words: Ontogenesis; developmental stages; religiosity; personal development; religious education; psychology of religion; prayers.
For citation
Chumakov, M. V. Religiosity of Personality in the Context of Developmental Psychology / M. V. Chumakov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 103-107. DOI 10.26170/po19-05-15.