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Cartoons Preferred by Younger Pupils and Peer Assessment of Their Parents
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-05-14
Abstract: The article presents the results of a study conducted with the aim of identifying cartoons preferred by younger students, and determining their relevance to this age category from the point of view of parents. The sample consisted of 111 children aged 7-10 years and 20 parents. When interviewing children, a questionnaire developed by MA was used. Murtazinoy and L.V. Endpoint. The obtained data are compared with the results of a similar study conducted two years ago; the differences in preferences of animated content among children 7—8 and 9—10 years old are described. It has been confirmed that children of primary school age are most popular in cartoons, not intended for this age group. With the help of expert assessment methods and focus groups, an expert assessment was conducted by the parents of the most popular Gravity Falls cartoon at the early school age, according to the results of which the experts do not recommend viewing this cartoon to children 7-10 years old. Differences and coincidences in expert assessments of parents belonging to different age groups (27-35 years and 36-43 years) are described. The differences between the assessments of experts from the two age groups on three criteria are revealed: the general mood when watching a cartoon, the learning experience (behavior patterns) and the aesthetic component of the cartoon. There are no differences between the assessments of experts belonging to different age groups, also according to three criteria: the main idea of the cartoon, the degree of its aggressiveness of speech, the recommendation to view the cartoon. Significant correlations were obtained between the age of parents and two criteria for evaluating a cartoon: “the degree of responsibility of the hero for his actions” and “educational function”. Parents-experts of more mature age believe that the actions of the heroes of this cartoon are irresponsible and go unpunished, they negatively evaluate the educational function of this cartoon, unlike the younger parents.
Key words: Younger schoolchildren; children's preferences; cartoons; parents; child survey; focus groups; expert assessment method.
For citation
Okonechnikova, L. V. Cartoons Preferred by Younger Pupils and Peer Assessment of Their Parents / L. V. Okonechnikova, T. M. Sadkina, Y. I. Sumarokova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №5. – P. 97-102 . DOI 10.26170/po19-05-14.