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Current Problems of Modern Choral Execution: Choral Theatralization
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-12
Abstract: The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the problem of finding ways to develop choral performance in the conditions of the modern cultural and educational environment. The purpose of the materials presented in the publication is to actualize the appeal to choral theatricalization as an effective means of awakening and developing the interest of students in collective singing activities. The concept of “choral theatricalization” and significant aspects of attracting young people to choral performance are analyzed. The priority is determined by the reliance on the following components of the collective musical and creative activity: perceptual (features of musical perception, empathy, understanding musical information, its semantic and emotional content); communicative (dialogue between performers and authors of a musical work, choirmaster and singers of the choir, members of the choir, the performing team and the audience); interactive (creative interaction between all participants of the artistic and creative process). Choral theatricalization is considered in line with the characteristic trends in the development of modern musical performance, musical education, among which stands out a poly-artistic approach to the organization of musical activity. Choral theatricalization is analyzed as a form, a form of collective artistic, creative, musical activity, a means of musical performance and musical education. The two main directions of choral theatricalization (theatricality is pictorial and personified) and the requirements for the choirmaster and choir singers are examined. The lack of preparedness of music teachers and teachers of additional education to the inclusion of choral theatricalization in the musical-educational process and concert and performing practice is stated. The necessity of more active inclusion of sections in the content of professional training of teachers-musicians, orienting them to the practical introduction of theatrical elements into the musical-educational process, is substantiated.
Key words: Choral performance; choral art; poly artistic approach; choral theatricalization.
For citation
Pichugina, L. N. Current Problems of Modern Choice Execution: Choice Theatralization / L. N. Pichugina, T. S. Bogdanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 95-101. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-12.