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To Studying of Art and Creative Activity Preschool Children
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-06
Abstract: Usually, creative activity is viewed as a multicomponent process aimed at creating new and different realities and values that unite the objective and subjective, personal, and also as a special form of self-expression of the individual world. But with regard to children's age, not all of the above characteristics are relevant. Obviously, the artistic and creative activity of a child of preschool age is not initially oriented towards social and historical recognition. Everything that a child does has a subject-oriented, rather than social value, and is relevant, first of all, for himself. The significance of creative activities is determined by individually experienced by the child feelings and emotions was designated by L. S. Vygotsky as “the law of real feeling in the activity of fantasy”. We have conducted a study that demonstrated the direct dependence of the inclusion of preschool children on the emotions they experience: from avoiding participation in artistic and creative activities or selective participation in it before imitative or active creative inclusion in the process. The study showed that the feelings experienced by preschoolers dominated the expected social assessment.
But the majority of exemplary educational programs for preschool educational organizations are focused on the social aspect of the artistic and creative activities of children. Appeal to creative activity is mainly regarded as a tool of cognitive (learn about ...) and behavioral (learn to use, learn to make) components. At the same time, the emotional side of the process turns out to be secondary, whereas for the children themselves it is the one that determines. It should be clarified that, with respect to the preschool age, the usual triad of tasks: training — developing — bringing up — changes its order. For children, priority can and should be given to emotional and developmental tasks. The order of these functions will change as the subject grows up. But still it is worth securing the priority of artistic and creative activity in its rich, emotional component, which is so significant for the development of the child, for children.
Key words: Artistic and creative activities; preschoolers; childhood creativity; aesthetic development; emotional states; educational programs.
For citation
Korotaeva, E. V. To Studying of Art and Creative Activity Preschool Children / E. V. Korotaeva, M. L. Kusova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 52-57 . DOI 10.26170/po19-06-06.