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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-08
Abstract: The article reveals some features of speech development of foreign students in the process of learning Russian. On the basis of the study of legal documents regulating the education of migrant children, the directions that should be taken into account in determining the content of the educational program of education in preschool and primary school are determined. At the same time, the process of Russian-language education of migrant students should be based on a systematic principle, since the basis of training is a General communicative-cognitive, activity-oriented and personality-oriented approach. More detailed work on the vocabulary of preschool and primary school children, as the vocabulary is the basis of mastering any language, including the mastery of foreign students of the Russian language. The defining direction in this work, since preschool age, is the enrichment of the dictionary with new words, the semantization of words in the speech of migrant children. The authors distinguish two groups of methods of explaining the meanings of words: 1) visual semantization; 2) language semantization. When introducing any word into the vocabulary of a migrant student, the authors take into account the stages of semantization of a new word: 1) perception of the word in the process of its functioning; 2) awareness of the meaning of the word; 3) imitation of the word; 4) independent naming of objects or phenomena of reality; 5) inclusion of the word in new system connections in accordance with the communicative task; 6) use of the word for various types of speech activity. Describing the features of the study of the Russian language by foreign students of primary school age, the authors note the need for a comprehensive study of lexical and grammatical material. The selection of vocabulary should be made using not only lexico-semantic, but also lexico-grammatical variants. The authors come to the conclusion that in the systematic study of the program material on the Russian language in primary school it is necessary to abandon the traditional method of explanation of the word by translation into the native language and increasingly use the method of inclusion of a new word in the context.
Key words: Migrant children; speech development; speech development; Russian vocabulary; Russian as a foreign language; basic Russian language training; preschoolers; younger students.

For citation

Kraeva, A. A. Mastering by Students of Preschool and Younger School Age Vocabulary in the Process of Studying the Russian Language / A. A. Kraeva, S. E. Privalova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 70-76. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-08 .