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Formation of Digital Competence in Modern Youth: Problems, Experience, Prospects
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-03
Abstract: The implementation of the policy of digitalization in the Russian Federation requires the higher school to develop new ways of organizing training for the new formation, and from the state – to take the necessary organizational and incentive measures for their early widespread implementation. This is due to the fact that it is the human resources potential, which has the necessary competencies in the conditions of constantly growing digitalization of all spheres of the economy, that can become the main source of growth in labor productivity and competitiveness of economic entities of Russia. The study of research works in the field of Economics, management, pedagogy and psychology, as well as conversations with teachers and students of engineering and technological faculties of the Ural state agrarian University allowed to determine that among the problems associated with training for the digital environment, the leading are the following: the changes in the cognitive capabilities of modern young people; the imperfection of the organization and methods of teaching digital competencies; lagging behind the level of professional training of the teaching staff of educational organizations from the speed of development of digital technologies and a number of others. In order to solve these problems, the authors summarize the positive experience of domestic and foreign enterprises and educational organizations in the formation of digital competencies among young people. The characteristic of the modern trends of education for digital competences. Their correlation with cognitive-behavioral features of the younger generation is determined. The authors identify the most effective ways of forming competencies in the field of digital technologies, depending on the psychological characteristics of modern youth. Taking into account the impossibility of meeting the needs of the modern digital labor market only by specialized agencies, the proposals for the organization of the digital environment for students in other educational organizations are given.
Key words: Digital technologies; digital environment; digital competencies; youth; psychological features; learning process; pedagogical interaction.
For citation
Sorokina, N. I. Formation of Digital Competence in Modern Youth: Problems, Experience, Prospects / N. I. Sorokina, R. I. Stepanov, E. U. Popova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 24-29. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-03.