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Acquisition of Younger Schoolboys to the Art of the Ural Region in Extensive Activity
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-09
Abstract: The subject of consideration of the article is the consideration of the problem of educating a person rooted in a national culture, responsibly relating to the fate of his country on the basis of its familiarization with the art of his native land. In modern teaching practice there is a contradiction between the social order for the patriotic education of the younger generation in the process of mastering the sociocultural space of the region and the underestimation of the pedagogical potential of regional art in educational work with students. There is a separation of the subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle studied in school from familiarizing children with the originality of their region, its art, and talented representatives of itsculture. The purpose of this article is to reveal the pedagogical potential of regional art in the educational work of an elementary school. As the leading principle of introducing younger schoolchildren to the artistic diversity of the Ural region, the principle of artistic dominance is considered — identifying the dominant art in a complex of arts, the images of which in practical activity of students are enriched with artistic images and artistic means of other arts. As an artistic dominant, decorative and applied art is offered, which is closely connected with the history of the region, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting it, as well as opening wide opportunities for involving younger schoolchildren in a variety of creative activities. The possibilities of arts and crafts of the Ural tradition are analyzed in solving tasks in educational work with younger students: stimulating interest in the art of their region, forming a valuable attitude to folk art, developing a tolerant perception of differences in the culture of different peoples inhabiting the Urals. Attention is paid to the aspect of cooperation with the parents of students — representatives of different nationalities — in order to acquaint children with different national traditions and to foster inter-ethnic tolerance. The research methods are the analysis, generalization of pedagogical experience and theoretical research on the problem of education of the personality, rooted in the national culture, on the basis of familiarizing with the art of the native land. Results: the authors are theoretically justified and disclosed on practical examples of the main substantive directions of the program of optional classes related to the introduction of students to the art of their native land: the practical development of the features of decorative and applied art of the peoples of the Urals in conjunction with the study of their life and traditions (educating students of cultural identification with their people, finding common ground different national cultures that make up the socio-cultural space of the Ural region); acquaintance with the decorative and applied art of the mining and industrial period in the history of the Urals in practical classes in the museum (the motivation of schoolchildren to create an original subject-spatial environment in the life of their family, in the school system); involvement of schoolchildren in the creation of exhibition art products based on the interpretation of the Ural ethnic and mining artistic semantics (students realize their mission in preserving and developing unique national and cultural traditions, developing personal and responsible attitude to the present and future of their region). Scope of the results: theory and methods of training and education (general education). Conclusions: the designed program of optional classes implements the task of involving younger schoolchildren in decorative and applied arts based on the traditions of their region, contributes to the awareness of students of their national roots and understanding of the significance of the cultural and spiritual heritage of their native land, serves as a stimulus for further development of the social and cultural space of their region.
Key words: Arts and crafts; Ural traditions; younger students; Ural art; aesthetic education; aesthetic development; extracurricular activities; folk art.
For citation
Kuprina, N. G. Acquisition of Younger Schoolboys to the Art of the Ural Region in Extensive Activity / N. G. Kuprina, A. A. Medvedeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 77-83. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-09.