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Application of the Method of Working with Images as a Developing Tool of Intercultural Foreign-language Competence of Students
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-10
Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of intercultural foreign-language competence of students by tools of intercultural foreign-language education and training. The method of working with images is considered as a tool of developing intercultural foreign-language competence. The method of working with images is one of the components of intercultural training, which is successfully applied by German-speaking specialists at various educational levels, including the higher school level. Despite certain preconceptions about the seeming “simplicity” of this method, it could be successfully applied in the Russian educational reality.The study of the German-speaking positive experience of the implementation of the method of working with images opens up the possibility of its use in the process of intercultural foreign language education and training of students of Russian universities with the goal of developing their intercultural foreign-language competence. The intercultural foreign-language competence is considered as a set of specific intercultural subcompetencies.In the article there are described and analyzed the examples of application ofthe method of working with images during intercultural communication and foreign language classes for the development of individual subcomponents of intercultural foreign-language competence.The article describes and analyzes examples of the application of this method in the classroom on intercultural communication, describes the technology and the possibility of using the method of working with images for the development of intercultural subcompetences such as foreign language communicative, cognitive, affective, conative and strategic subcompetences, as well as intercultural foreign language competence in general.
Key words: Methods of work; work with images; intercultural interaction; foreign language training; intercultural competence; foreign language competencies; intercultural trainings; intercultural communication; the students.
For citation
Belozerova, A. A. Application of the Method of Working with Images as a Developing Tool of Intercultural Foreign-language Competence of Students / A. A. Belozerova, L. G. Yusupova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 84-88. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-10.