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“Foreign Language +” Model of the Global Synchronous Class
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-15
Abstract: With the development of modern educational technologies, as well as the use of network automation and intellectualization, online courses can no longer adequately meet the needs of studying subjects in real time. On the contrary, global classes in real time will be able to fill this drawback, because they have both the features of online courses and the benefits of real lessons. In particular, for the specialty "Foreign Language", this means not only improving the ability to solve problems, but also increasing the level of students' communication in a foreign language. This article will address such issues as the definition and understanding of the global synchronous class, the “foreign language +” model, the ways and methods of the global synchronous class “foreign language +”. The author of the article come to the conclusion that the global synchronous class is an effective method and method for solving the issue of education in overcoming spatial limitations, it will help students in real participation in classroom training both domestically and abroad through the “foreign language +”. To do this, firstly, it is necessary to choose specialized educational institutions of homogeneous type and suitable classes. Secondly, the publication of educational materials, the content and pace of training should be the same. Thirdly, the “inverted” class can become the main model of the global synchronous class.
Key words: Foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages; methods of foreign languages in high school; synchronous training classes; educational technology.
For citation
Xu, C. “Foreign Language +” Model of the Global Synchronous Class / C. Xu // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 115-119. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-15 .