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Speech Development of a Child of Preschool Age in a Policultural Environment: Analysis of Teacher's Educational Activity
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-06-02
Abstract: The article offers an analysis of the educational activities of the teacher in the implementation of the educational field “Speech development” in a multicultural environment in preschool educational organizations in order to determine the orientation of the teaching staff at various categories of children in the group regarding the level of Russian, since Russian is the language of education the territory of the Russian Federation. The author designates three categories of children in pre-school educational organizations: children, native speakers of the Russian language; children are bilingual; children, speakers of another language, not owning the Russian language system. Observations of the implementation of educational activities by teachers are described. The article presents the results of a survey of teachers of preschool educational organizations on the problem of speech development of children of preschool age in a multicultural environment. The survey questions allow teachers to evaluate their own educational activities in this aspect and allow us to conclude that teachers themselves also realize the need to make adjustments to the technology of educational activities, to the content of the subject-developing environment, the interaction of all participants in educational relations. The author analyzes the educational activities of teachers, gives information about the shortcomings in the organization of educational activities in the implementation of various areas of the educational field “Speech development”, about possible additions in the subject-developing environment. The author draws attention to the need to adjust the child's speech development technology in a multicultural environment, which, in his opinion, should be reflected in the organization of children's activities, in the selection of methods and techniques of speech development, updating the content of interaction with the family, where the main content line is marked the need for children to develop the culture of the Russian people as a carrier of the Russian language based on the cultural values of the family of the child for whom Russian is non-native.
Key words: Multicultural environment; preschoolers; native speakers; Russian language; bilingual children; bilingualism; Russian as a foreign language; speech development; speech development; educational activities.
For citation
Plaksina, E. B. Speech Development of a Child of Preschool Age in a Policultural Environment: Analysis of Teacher's Educational Activity / E. B. Plaksina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №6. – P. 19-23. DOI 10.26170/po19-06-02.