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The Technique of Formation of Readiness of Future Teachers of Physics to Conduct Full-Scale and Computing Experiments
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-14
Abstract: The paper discusses the problem of training future teachers of physics to the formulation and conduct of modern educational physical experiment. It is argued that the main condition for the formation of appropriate readiness is the orientation of the educational process on the development of all its structural components. To resolve this problem, re-results of the conducted research provides the relevant teaching methods, which in educational process is realized as a separate course in “Natural and computing experiment”. The content of the course is presented in two blocks: theoretical and practical. The theoretical block includes the study and discussion of issues necessary for conducting laboratory and practical training. The names and content of the topics of the theoretical block are given. The practical part aims – to give students practical skills of natural-computational experiment, as well as to gain experience with various software tools for computer modeling of physical processes and phenomena. It is proposed to carry out the development of the practical part in five stages, each of which has its own purpose and reheat certain tasks. At the first stage, classes are organized according to the scheme of parallel execution of full-scale and computational experiments. On the second scheme of sequential execution. The third stage is designed to form the elements of readiness to conduct a complex (combined) full-scale computational experiment. The purpose of the fourth stage is to improve the skills of using computational experiment to study complex physical objects. The fifth stage is designed to summarize the results and develop methodological recommendations for their use in the future professional activity of a physics teacher. For each stage of the practical part presented complexes of laboratory work and study-but-research projects. The purpose and objectives of the discipline “full-Scale computational experiment” are formulated. The diagnostic apparatus for assessing the degree of students ' readiness to use full-scale computational experiments is discussed.
Key words: Educational physical experiments; full-scale experiments; computational experiments; educational research projects; project method; project activities; physics teachers; training for future teachers; teacher students.
For citation
Popov, S. E. The Technique of Formation of Readiness of Future Teachers of Physics to Conduct Full-Scale and Computing Experiments / S. E. Popov, D. F. Teregulov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 105-110. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-14.