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Training of Technical University Students to Analysis and Evaluation of the Chemical-Technological Process on the Basis of Interdisciplinar Integration of Mathematics and Disciplines of the Professional Cycle
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-17
Abstract: Modern engineering education presupposes the presence of a professionally-oriented component in teaching students. In this case, there is a need to change the content of educational disciplines of the basic cycle, including mathematics. The introduction of professionally significant material in the course of mathematics allows for interdisciplinary integration. The possibilities of integrating mathematics and professional cycle disciplines are presented in domestic and foreign studies. Teaching mathematics to future engineers based on interdisciplinary integration contributes to a more complete understanding of the studied processes and phenomena encountered in professional activities. The specifics of the professional activity of the process engineer implies not only knowledge of the basic processes and equipment of the chemical process system, but the ability to analyze and evaluate the information received about the state of the entire system and its individual elements. For the implementation of the training of students of technical universities for the analysis and evaluation of the chemical-technological process in teaching mathematics, a methodology has been developed, based on the integration of elements of the disciplines of the professional cycle and the discipline “Mathematics”. Components of preparation for analysis and evaluation (motivational, targeted, epistemological, praxeological, and axiological) are highlighted, the method of preparation is chosen – the method of mathematical modeling and the case-technology preparation means; Each case contains a variety of information and competence tasks, which are classified according to the types of mathematical models used to describe the process or phenomenon being studied. These tasks allow communication between selected sections of mathematics and professional-oriented disciplines. An example of a “heat exchanger” problem is given, which is aimed at analyzing, creating, transforming, and evaluating a mathematical model of the heat process in a heat exchanger that represents a differential equation. The conducted pedagogical experiment confirms the effectiveness of the developed methodology.
Key words: Interdisciplinary integration; training of engineers; math modeling; case technology; technical universities; academic disciplines.
For citation
Lipatnikova, I. G. Training of Technical University Students to Analysis and Evaluation of the Chemical-Technological Process on the Basis of Interdisciplinar Integration of Mathematics and Disciplines of the Professional Cycle / I. G. Lipatnikova, S. V. Mechik // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 125-132 . DOI 10.26170/po19-07-17.