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Development of the Skills of Artistic-Creative Interaction in Learning Classes Under Collective Drawing
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-05
Abstract: The article is devoted the possibilities of artistic activity in the formation of creative interaction skills at the lessons of fine art in younger students. It is proved that it is art and the involvement of younger students in the creative process that contribute to the solution of one of the main tasks formulated in the Federal educational standard of primary general education — the development and improvement of communication skills among students in primary school. The article emphasizes that the most effective means in the formation of such skills are collective types of artistic and creative activities and, in particular, collective drawing. The organization of such activities should be based on the consistent implementation of certain stages, each of which has its own substantive foundations. The purpose of article is to reveal the five main stages of the organization of the process of collective drawing by the teacher in the lessons of fine art in elementary school. These include: goal-setting, involving the organization of preliminary work of the children's team on the drawing; planning, involving the search for ways to implement the ideas put forward; preparation for drawing, which involves the selection of certain materials selected by children to create a collective creative product; the drawing process itself, involving the creative implementation of a product conceived by children; analysis of the created art product, suggesting its collective reflection. The content of the presented stages is based on a number of general pedagogical principles (nature compatibility, equality in creativity and cooperation, collectivity, cultural compatibility, openness and accessibility in collective activity) and principles of art education (the relationship of technical and figurative, dialogic art, and the form of an art product corresponding to its content).
Key words: Collective drawing; collective activity; primary schoolchildren; primary school; visual activity; art; elementary art studies; methodology of teaching fine art; art lessons; children's creativity.
For citation
Borodina, E. N. Development of the Skills of Artistic-Creative Interaction in Learning Classes Under Collective Drawing / E. N. Borodina, N. G. Tagiltseva, S. A. Novoselov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 38-43 . DOI 10.26170/po19-07-05.