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Features of the Intelligence Structure of Primary Schoolchildren Trained by Means of Gadgets
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-18
Abstract: This article discusses the main theoretical aspects of the problem of the functioning of the cognitive sphere of younger schoolchildren who are trained through gadgets. Currently, teachers and parents experience difficulties in shaping the conceptual thinking of younger schoolchildren raised in the digital age. The authors, based on a theoretical analysis, suggested that younger students who learn through gadgets should have some peculiarities of the structure of the intellect. To test the hypothesis of the study and the study of the peculiarities of the structure of the intellect of younger schoolchildren who study using gadgets, exploratory factor analysis was used. The authors used the method “Forecasting and prevention of learning problems in grades 3-6” by L. A. Yasyukova as a psychodiagnostic test. As a result of the study, it turned out that the structure of the intellect of younger schoolchildren, trained through gadgets, differs from the structure of the intelligence of those who learn with the help of traditional textbooks. In the structure of the intelligence of children trained through gadgets, such components as spatial thinking, intuitivelogical thinking, understanding of formulas and construction of schemes and involuntary attention prevail. In the structure of the intellect of children trained through traditional didactic means, such substructures as verbal-logical thinking, ability for categorical analysis, quick understanding of the meaning and cognitive control are revealed. The practical significance of the research results consists in developing recommendations for teachers and psychologists on the formation of the trajectory of the individual development of the intellect of the younger student. The authors also analyzed a sufficient number of theoretical sources devoted to the problem of teaching children through gadgets.
Key words: Cognitive sphere; primary schoolchildren; structure of intelligence; intelligence; intellectual development; means of education; gadgets.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Features of the Intelligence Structure of Primary Schoolchildren Trained by Means of Gadgets / S. A. Vodyakha, J. E. Vodyakha, S. A. Minyurova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 133-140. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-18.