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Professional Orientation of Future Engineers of the Oil Refining Industry in the Process of Teaching Mathematics
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-08-15
Abstract: The prospective development of the petrochemical industry in modern conditions has an impact on increasing requirements for the refining process and the quality of the resulting petroleum products, which also leads to an increase in requirements for specialists in this industry. At the same time, there is a need to modernize the educational programs used to train future process engineers. The inclusion of a practice-oriented component in the study of all disciplines, including mathematics, helps to improve the quality of education and the formation of ideas about the future profession. The professional orientation of future process engineers in the process of teaching mathematics is determined by the specifics of this industry and consists in the formation of readiness for using the mathematical apparatus for analysis and evaluation of elements of the chemical-technological process. As a means of vocational guidance, the case technology was chosen, which allows you to create cases based on the integration of the disciplines of the professional cycle (including information reflecting the specifics of future professional activities) and mathematics (determining the theoretical and practical material necessary to create and transform mathematical models of the processes under study or phenomena). The types of cases were determined in accordance with the main processes that form the chemical-technological process. Each case contains a set of multilevel informational-competency tasks. An example of a case on the hydraulic process and the information-competency problem “on equivalent diameter” is given. The conducted pedagogical experiment is described, which confirms the effectiveness of the developed methodology for teaching mathematics to future engineers of the oil refining industry in the context of vocational guidance.
Key words: Vocational guidance; engineers; training of future engineers; oil refining industry; maths; methods of teaching mathematics; methodology of mathematics in high school; chemical-technological process.
For citation
Mechik, S. V. Professional Orientation of Future Engineers of the Oil Refining Industry in the Process of Teaching Mathematics / S. V. Mechik // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №8. – P. 116-123. DOI 10.26170/po19-08-15.