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Measuring the Intelligence Structure of Teachers of Rural Kindergarten as a Tool for Searching Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of a Preschool Educational Program
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-05
Abstract: The constant search for ways to increase the effectiveness of the educational program implemented in the interests of students is one of the inalienable goals of the development of any educational organization, including a preschool educational organization (kindergarten). A key resource of an educational organization is its teaching staff. Therefore, the assessment of the current state and the development of psychologically accurate recommendations for increasing the pedagogical potential of the team, understood as the combined ability to effectively carry out their professional functions, at the same time contributes to increasing the efficiency of the educational program. Important features that determine the functioning of a typical, remote from the regional center, village kindergarten are the lack of centralized funding, on the one hand, and the limited financial capabilities of parents of pupils, on the other. This implies, in particular, the difficulty in organizing and implementing developing education for children outside the kindergarten. In fact, the main work on the training and education of rural children lies on the shoulders of the teaching staff of the preschool educational organization. This state of affairs significantly increases the measure of responsibility of teachers and their assistants for the results of their work. Representatives of the teaching staff of the village kindergarten, because of their remoteness from the regional center, themselves have considerable difficulties when it is necessary to obtain professional psychological and pedagogical support in resolving specific pedagogical issues that arise during practical work. This work presents the results of a psychological and pedagogical study of the intelligence structure of the teaching staff of the regional village kindergarten in the village of Sarapulka, Sverdlovsk Region, in accordance with the theory of multiple intelligence, prof. Howard Gardner (USA). A joint study was conducted on the initiative of a preschool educational organization. The results of the study made it possible to formulate specific recommendations for improving the qualifications of teachers and the effectiveness of the educational process when implementing a preschool educational program.
Key words: Preschool educational organizations; structure of intelligence; educators; rural kindergartens; intelligence; measurement of the structure of intelligence; educational programs.
For citation
Bodryakova, A. N. Measuring the Intelligence Structure of Teachers of Rural Kindergarten as a Tool for Searching Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of a Preschool Educational Program / A. N. Bodryakova, V. Y. Bodryakov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 38-45. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-05.