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Theoretical and Methodological Justification Conditions of Development of Children's Giftedness
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-06
Abstract: The article presents the author's understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem of the development of giftedness in preschool children. The urgency of the problem, which is determined on the legislative and regulatory levels and conforms to social order of society in education, active, active, initiative, creative, independent personality, capable to produce and implement original, useful to society ideas. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of conditions of development of gifted children of preschool age, in particular, synthesis of system, activity, competence and axiological approaches is presented. This synthesis of theoretical and methodological approaches contributes to a deeper understanding of the problem of child giftedness and allows you to formulate the necessary conditions for its support and development. The author proposes a classification of conditions for the development of children's giftedness, including the following groups: socio-cultural, organizational and methodological, psychological and pedagogical, subject-centered conditions. Sociocultural conditions are understood as the influence of the socio-cultural environment on the development of a child's giftedness. Organizational and methodological conditions assume a special organization of the developing subject-spatial environment, contributing to the creative search for personality, taking into account the principles of diversity, variability, flexibility of the environment, its emotional comfort. The author refers to the group of psychological and pedagogical conditions organized educational activities of teachers, psychologists, specialists with children. Subject-centered conditions for the development of a child's giftedness are associated with the child's personality, with his awareness of his real and potential opportunities, positive or negative attitude to his own giftedness, his self-esteem, the presence of an adult interested in the development of a child's giftedness. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the individual educational route of development of a gifted child, which meets the modern requirements of the Federal state educational standard of preschool education. This route helps to unite the efforts of employees of preschool educational institutions and family members in the direction of the development of children's talent and create the necessary conditions for the successful development of the child. Ensuring unity in approaches to the education of a gifted child and the interested attitude of all subjects of the pedagogical process will contribute to the development of children's giftedness.
Key words: Giftedness; gifted children; development of giftedness; preschoolers; methodological approach; individual educational routes.
For citation
Zaboeva, M. A. Theoretical and Methodological Justification Conditions of Development of Children's Giftedness / M. A. Zaboeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 46-51. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-06.