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Political Activity of Modern Russian Youth and Marginal Political Practices
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-03
Abstract: The political activity of youth is one of the determining factors in the development of a democratic society. In the digital age, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of changes in the manifestations of the political initiatives of youth as a generation immersed in virtual reality, since it is this generation that chooses the Internet environment as the main for various forms of activity. However, the political practices that are used in the digital space are often un institutionalized and can be labeled as marginal. The article presents a typology and analysis of the most typical marginal political practices, describes the general political activity of young people, their attitude to certain types of political practices and their willingness to use them in their own models of behavior. The empirical base of the study was the results of a survey of 461 respondents aged 18 to 30 using an author's questionnaire filled out online in Google forms. Frequency analysis identified specific features of youth in the context of their participation in the political and public life of a country, region, city. So, the general level of political and social activity of young people is rather low – the types and forms of activity are few in number, sources of information and platforms for communication are limited. The Internet is the main area of implementation of youth political practices, including marginal ones. The representation of the latter is shifting toward the predominance of empathic and direct active marginal political practices. At the same time, the respondents are characterized by a demonstration of restraint in assessing their own political activity, which is probably due to both security considerations and the lack of a clear interest in the political life of society.
Key words: Youth; political activity; marginal political practices; digitalization; Internet behavior; protest behavior.
For citation
Kruzhkova, O. V. Political Activity of Modern Russian Youth and Marginal Political Practices / O. V. Kruzhkova, I. V. Vorobyeva, M. S. Krivoshchekova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 22-31. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-03.