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Involving of Teenagers to the Classical Music in the School’s Educational Process
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-11
Abstract: The article deals the actual problem of musical education, connecting with the search of the methodical ways for realization of order to educational sphere “The Art” of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, about education with schoolchildren steady interest to classical musical heritage. The involving the juveniles to classical music as the first study in deciding of this task considers. The contemporary treatments of the concept ‘classical music’ reflected in the content of musical lessons at the school providing general education analyses. Juvenile age characterizes as the most problematic category of schoolchildren for involving to the classical music. The reasons, stipulating inadequate claiming of classical music in the life of contemporary juveniles, analyses. The results of the statement investigations, passed by teachers and students of Ural State Pedagogical University are represented. On the base of analyses of the methodic experience in sphere of involving juveniles to the classical music and contemporary scientific researches determinate the resulting ideas and methods, which may be able achievement in the school’s educational process, if the musical material of the problematic situations will be synchronized with the life of contemporary juveniles. Content of two methodic ways of involving the juveniles to the classical music, worked out by graduating students of Institution of Musical and Art Education, Ural State Pedagogical University, in process of preparation of graduate qualification works and approved them in the process of pedagogical practice, states. First way supposes involving of juveniles to the classical music throw the acquaintance with creation of their same age – young musician performers, laureates of children’s and youthful competitions of last years. The other way base in the contemporary musical compositions with the quoting of classical musical pieces. Offered ways may be using as on musical lessons, so in out-of-school hours activity. Criterions and indices, worked out by students for the exposure of result of the proposal methodic decisions, and quality grounds, indicative positive results of the initial stage of involving of juveniles to the classical music adduces.
Key words: Musical education; classical music; teenagers; musical lessons; music technique at school; methodology of teaching music; educational process; young performers.
For citation
Matveeva, L. V. Involving of Teenagers to the Classical Music in the School’s Educational Process / L. V. Matveeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 84-91. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-11.