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The Regional Aspect in Motivation of Nature Considering Foreign Language Teaching of Preschoolers
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-09-07
Abstract: Motivation is one of the main success factors of the learning process. The research for a motivational basis in a foreign language teaching remains a topical and debatable problem. In line with the nature-activity approach, the use of regional content materials is the most significant factor in the educational process of preschool children in order to increase motivation to foreign language learning. The article defines the role of regional content materials as a means of increasing motivation and provides examples of the use of regional content materials in foreign language teaching of speaking and auditing. The article discusses the specific features of a nature-conformable process of a foreign language teaching taking into consideration the polysensory way of cognition of the surrounding world and the activation of genetically determined way of cognition. The concept of a genetically determined way of cognition is specified, its stages are clarified in the regional content materials of the motivational component of nature-aligned foreign language teaching. Foreign language as a discipline has metasubject specific character and provides an opportunity for holistic learning taking into consideration the regional component, which allows to increase the level of required information to create a state of openness for understanding of a new one. Long-term retention of the materials is possible only through personally living information, i.e. through all sensory receptors based on multi-functional tasks and teaching methods. The article justifies key positions determining the role of regional content materials in the development of motivation for a foreign language learning, which contributes to the involvement of the child in the educational process. The emphasis is placed on the fact that conditions for holistic training are created for simultaneous operation of both brain hemispheres with the activation of manual dexterity. The teaching on language and speech regional content materials is included in the context of substantive activities, which contributes to the motivation of a foreign language learning. Methodological basis of the relationship between speech development and manual dexterity is given. The stationary educational – methodical complex contributes to the increase of motivation in the study of foreign language, design construction of the complex reflects the features of native region nature and serves for the organization of foreign-language subject-development environment of preschoolers.
Key words: Foreign language education; preschoolers; federal state educational standarts; nature-activity approach; educational motivation; foreign languages; primary education in foreign languages; regional content materials; types of speech activity; speech activity; object-space environment.
For citation
Kopylova, E. V. The Regional Aspect in Motivation of Nature Considering Foreign Language Teaching of Preschoolers / E. V. Kopylova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №9. – P. 52-59. DOI 10.26170/po19-09-07 .