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About the Psychological Service in the Educational System of the Sverdlovsk Region
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-12
Abstract: The problem of research. Today, society is aware of the need to direct the efforts of the education system to realize the personal and intellectual potential of children as the main wealth of the country and the main resource for progress in all spheres of public life. The effectiveness of solving these complex issues is largely related to the development and strengthening of the psychological service, the development of variable models of the psychological service of education, corresponding to the goals and objectives of the development of each specific region.
The purpose of this article is to describe the current state and prospects for the development of psychological services in the education system of the Sverdlovsk region. Methodology and research methods. Fundamental to the study are the system-evolutionary approach and the psychological theory of activity. The research was carried out using the following methods: historiographic, comparative, systematization and conceptualization of scientific ideas, theoretical modeling. Research progress and main results. The article analyzes the infrastructure of the psychological service of education, its organizational and managerial structure and the order of activity management. Described the Service model: content and continuity of the practical activity of teachers-psychologists of educational institutions of different types and PPMS centers in the region is provided by a collection of four interrelated and complementary stages of psychological and pedagogical support that allows you to ensure the availability, quality and completeness of the psycho-pedagogical assistance for all categories of children aged 0 to 18 years, their parents (legal representatives) students, teachers and administration of educational organizations of all types and kinds, regardless of their location in the Sverdlovsk region. The data on the personnel support of the Service, data on the provision of professional retraining and advanced training of teachers in order to obtain the competencies necessary for the preservation and strengthening of psychological and mental health and development of students, providing them with psychological assistance and support, assistance in difficult life situations, in positive socialization, as well as the organization of psychological counseling. Summary. In the Sverdlovsk region there is a unique model of psychological service, which allows to solve the problem of providing psychological support to participants of the educational process, taking into account the regional specifics. Conditions of increase of efficiency of psychological support of participants of educational process will be development of infrastructure, the consortium of science and practice and unity of the regional space Service, accessibility and completeness of the range of quality of psychological and pedagogical support, psycho-pedagogical and medico-social assistance to all subjects of education; maintaining a high level of professional qualifications of teachers; the development of intra-and interagency cooperation. Recommendations. The materials of the study can be used in the preparation of students studying in psychological and pedagogical areas, in the work of specialists of the psychological service of the education system.
Key words: Psychological service; model of psychological service; psychological and pedagogical support; psychological and pedagogical assistance; participants of the educational process.
For citation
Vasyagina, N. N. About the Psychological Service in the Educational System of the Sverdlovsk Region / N. N. Vasyagina, A. V. Ibatullina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 94-102. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-12.