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Emotional Intelligence and School Well-Being of Modern Teenagers
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-13
Abstract: The article discusses the main theoretical aspects of the relationship between adolescent emotional intelligence and school well-being. At present, teachers and parents are experiencing difficulties in raising schoolchildren, which is manifested in the manifestation of deviant behavior. Based on theoretical analysis, the authors suggested that adolescents with a high level of social intelligence have more pronounced school well-being, as many indicators of social intelligence demonstrate a direct positive relationship with the parameters of school well-being. To test the hypothesis of research and study the correlation
of social indicators with the intelligence of adolescents with their school well-being, the authors used a correlation analysis. As a psycho-diagnostic toolkit, the authors used the methods of the school well-being
questionnaire S. A. Vodyakha and N. Hall emotional intelligence test. As a result of the study, it turned out that a number of indicators of emotional intelligence have a positive relationship with various indicators of school well-being. The authors found that the most pronounced positive relationship of emotional intelligence with recognition of other people's emotions. A rather interesting fact is the revealed positive relationship of emotional intelligence with such a component of school well-being as attitude towards oneself.
The practical significance of the research results consists in the development of recommendations for teachers and psychologists on the formation of the trajectory of the individual personality of a teenager. The authors also analyzed a sufficient number of theoretical sources devoted to the problem of the correlation of school well-being and social intelligence of adolescents.
Key words: Emotional intelligence; school well-being; psychological well-being; adolescents; emotional sphere.
For citation
Vodyakha, S. A. Emotional Intelligence and School Well-Being of Modern Teenagers / S. A. Vodyakha, J. E. Vodyakha // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 103-108. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-13.