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Organization of Methodological Assistance to Teachers in Educating Parents of Young Children: From the Experience of the Past
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-10
Abstract: The article presents the period of creation of a new type of preschool institution in Russia – a nursery-garden and the problems of training teachers to work with young children and their parents that arose in this regard. The current state of preschool education is very similar to the period of the 60s-80s of the XX century. As in those years, we will have to re-open nursery groups, re-train teachers for them, master the methodology of working with young children. At the same time, there is a great need for teachers to provide them with methodological assistance. However, in recent years, the methodological service of preschool institutions increasingly loses its content, purpose, turning, in essence, into a purely administrative management of preschool institutions. Domestic preschool pedagogy has accumulated a wealth of experience in methodological assistance to educators in working with young children and pedagogical education of parents. The study of this experience was the purpose of our study. The methodological basis of the study was the principle of reflection of constantly changing pedagogical reality; systematic approach in the study; reliance on objective facts and logical-analytical tool of scientific knowledge. Main research methods: comparative-historical, historical-system, historical-logical, historical-typological. Familiarity with the experience of the past can be useful for organizing the work of modern teachers with young children and their parents and encourages to think about the revival of a unique methodological service of preschool education in Russia.
Key words: Early age; younger preschoolers; preschool educational organizations; nursery; methodological assistance; methodologists; methodical work; educators; pedagogical education of parents; parents; young families; work with parents.
For citation
Ovechkina, N. M. Organization of Methodological Assistance to Teachers in Educating Parents of Young Children: From the Experience of the Past / N. M. Ovechkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 80-86. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-10.