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The Potential of Adult Education for the Prevention of Institutional Vandalism
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-15
Abstract: In modern conditions, the effectiveness of the personnel of organizations is of great importance for the implementation of the tasks of innovative development of Russia. The purpose of this article is to study the potential of live-long education in the context of the prevention of social and psychological vandalism of personnel in an organization. Based on theoretical analysis, the most common types of
vandal behavior of personnel were identified, one of which is socio-psychological vandalism. The most typical manifestations of socio-psychological vandalism in organizations are cases of mobbing, bossing, the dissemination of false information about the employee, toxic relationships, including destructive leadership. An empirical study of the most common forms of organizational vandalism was carried out using interrogation methods among employees of organizations in Ekaterinburg. The article describes the results
of the study, which demonstrates that cases of socio-psychological organizational vandalism are significant and are assessed as subjectively significant by the personnel of organizations. An analysis of the ways and mechanisms, as well as the most common and effective technologies for the prevention and overcoming of socio-psychological vandalism in the organization, presented in the publications of domestic and foreign researchers, showed a high potential for continuous training of personnel as a way of building competencies for solving complex problems in situations of destructive interaction. The article provides an analysis of the possibilities and limitations of formal, non-formal and informal forms of continuing adult education for the prevention of the socio-psychological form of organizational vandalism of personnel. At the same time, the choice of a specific form and technology of training should be determined depending on the particular tasks and resources of the organization, be congruent with the specifics of the activities of personnel undergoing training on the one hand, as well as on the other the most represented forms of socio-psychological vandalism characteristic of this organization.
Key words: Life-long learning; adult education; staff behavior; organizational vandalism; socio-psychological vandalism; prevention.
For citation
Devyatovskaya, I. V. The Potential of Adult Education for the Prevention
of Institutional Vandalism / I. V. Devyatovskaya, O. V. Kruzhkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 115-123. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-15.