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Personnel's Vandalism in an Educational Organization: Specificity and Predictors
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-14
Abstract: The article discusses the problem of destructive behavior of personnel in the workplace – organizational vandalism. This form of counterproductive behavior of workers has significant differences from youth vandalism, starting with the choosing of the object(s) of transformation, ending with predictors that encourage adults to change the organization’s environment in an environment where they carry out daily professional activities. In addition to age specifics, organizational vandalism differs in its intensity and forms of execution depending on the sphere of professional activity to which the organization belongs. The educational environment is unique and the organizational culture of these institutions has significant features that prevent the emergence of workers’ vandalism. At the same time, high requirements, the introduction of innovations, changing conditions and forms of professional activity implementation lead to high stressfulness of the environment of educational organizations. The consequence is not only the stress of the personnel, the emergence of professional destructions
and deformations, stagnation of the personality, but also inappropriate behavioral response models, in which organizational vandalism may also be present.
An empirical study of organizational vandalism in educational organizations was carried out through a package of psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at measuring personal predictors (personal qualities, psychological defenses), as well as organizational and environmental factors (organizational culture, organizational justice, professional well-being).
Key words: Vandalism; educational organizations; organization staff; staff vandalism; organizational culture; destructive behavior; counterproductive behavior; organizational vandalism.
For citation
Vorobyeva, I. V. Personnel's Vandalism in an Educational Organization:
Specificity and Predictors / I. V. Vorobyeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 109-114 . DOI 10.26170/po20-01-14.