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Amplification of Educational Environment of Preschool Educational Organization
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-13
Abstract: The author turns to the analysis of the potential of the museum space in solving the problems of speech development of a senior preschool child in a multicultural environment. The article describes the stages of organizing the interaction of a teacher with children, aimed at enriching and enhancing the vocabulary of children, the development of the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech in the development of real and virtual museum space: “P. P. Bazhov House-Museum”, “Literary House-Museum memorial F.M. Reshetnikov”. The forms and methods of including the museum space in the educational environment of the preschool educational organization are presented: a preliminary conversation, the purpose of which is the subsequent entry of the child into the museum space, familiarization with works of fiction, a real or virtual tour, cultural and educational event, project activities, exhibitions, including including creative exhibitions of children's works. The author describes the content of these exhibitions, talking about their subject content: minerals of various breeds, crafts from minerals, drawings of children, gives examples of children conducting excursions at the exhibitions that they create, shows how Russianspeaking children and children for whom Russian the language is not native. As an example of enrichment of the developmental environment of the preschool educational institution, the thematic corner “Mail of different countries and times” is described. The author describes the interaction of all participants in educational relations, proving that the amplification of the educational environment of the preschool educational institution provides an increase in interest in the culture of the Urals, both in children for whom the Russian language is native, and in children, representatives of other nationalities. The inclusion of museum space in the educational environment of the preschool educational organization reduces the distance between representatives of different nationalities. Participants in educational relations are involved in project activities, jointly preparing cultural and educational events, during which the presentation of children and adults about the history of the Urals is updated.
Key words: Educational environment of preschool educational organization; museum space; senior preschool child; children – native speakers of the Russian language; migrant children; speech development; multicultural environment.
For citation
Plaksina, E. B. Amplification of Educational Environment of Preschool Educational Organization / E. B. Plaksina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 114-118. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-13 .