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Formation of Readiness of Training Students to Develop the Content of Educational Practice by Means of Physical Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-18
Abstract: This article is devoted to the problems of modernizing the content and methods of preparing students of higher education institutions for professional activities. The article focuses on the practice of students as a type of educational activity, which is aimed at the formation, consolidation, development of practical skills and competencies in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities. The authors are primarily interested in some aspects of preparing students for field training. The specifics of this type of practice is the presence of a number of serious risks, since they can be not only stationary (with students located on special bases), but also expeditionary (“route”) with constant movement of students' locations). In both cases, the educational process and the arrangement of life are associated with the long-term stay of trainees in the natural environment, which implies the need for students to have certain competencies that can minimize the risks identified in the article. The authors evaluate the possibilities of physical culture and sports, and, first of all, sports and tourist activities in the process of forming the necessary competencies. An analysis of a number of regulatory documents at various levels (from federal to local), as well as scientific publications on the organization of field training practices in a wide variety of areas and training profiles, showed that the dependence of successful practice on the formation of the mentioned specific competencies by the authors (and practice leaders) is not recognized. Nevertheless, a full-fledged physical education allows not only to influence the various aspects of the educational and educational process in the higher education system, but also to lay the foundations of a positive attitude, worldview and positive attitude. Which, in turn, contributes to the successful transformation of professional competencies into so-called “universal everyday competencies”, and vice versa. By “universal everyday competences” we mean a way of life, i.e. how and in what conditions each individual lives and organizes his activities. Including educational activities and, subsequently, professional.
Key words: Training; educational content; professional activity; student practice; educational practice; field practice; physical education; physical education; sports; sports and tourist activities.
For citation
Bakhtina, I. L. Formation of Readiness of Training Students to Develop the Content of Educational Practice by Means of Physical Education / I. L. Bakhtina, E. V. Pastukhov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 148-153. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-18 .