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Using Podcasts When Teaching Students at a Technical University
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-17
Abstract: Currently, the modern system of training future practice-oriented specialists is not similar to the University-enterprise system, as it was earlier in the Soviet period – this is due to the lack of hours for practice, for communication with production workers. However, thanks to the development and widespread use of a high-tech video visualization system, especially with the use of podcasting technology, it is possible to improve the quality of students ' education in a technical University, compensating for the existing short-term practices. This article reveals the theoretical basis for the use of podcasts in the format of video reports on the work done with laboratory equipment in the classroom that affect higher-quality and long-term memory types according to P. P. Blonsky. The article analyzes the domestic and foreign experience of using podcasting technology in the educational process of the University. The main principles of preparing and creating educational podcasts at the University are highlighted: planning, brevity and dynamism, and information content. In accordance with these principles, requirements were formulated for video reports of students on laboratory work performed in the course of training in the discipline “Metrology and radio measurements”. The article describes the experience of using this pedagogical approach with illustrative examples – a link to a group in a social network and educational videos. Approbation of the obtained results showed an increase in the quality of memorization of educational material by students, understanding and applying it in practice. The obtained video materials were further used with junior students as visual examples for working with laboratory equipment. In the future, the use of podcasts in the educational process of a technical University will include video visualization of reports in the format of podcasts on the project work of students together with teachers or representatives of the production sector.
Key words: Practical training of specialists; higher education; learning problems; quality of education; podcasts.
For citation
Arbuzov, S. S. Using Podcasts When Teaching Students at a Technical University / S. S. Arbuzov, K. V. Epifancev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 141-147. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-17.