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Visual Novels as a Method of Foreign Language Project Competence Development
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-19
Abstract: One of the main competencies developed in the process of future programmers training is a competence in project activities. The purpose of this study is to describe the methodological support of the process of creating visual novels as a way foreign language project competence development. The research methodology is based on an experimental methodology based on the principles of interdisciplinary integration and the principles of communication. We specified the definition of the foreign language project competence as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities to organize project activities using a foreign language, experience in creating and presenting final professional products in a foreign language, as well as value orientations of a modern IT-specialist. The content of foreign-language project competence includes linguistic-structural, communicative and presentation components. The practical focus of the research is to create final products that can be used for further improvement of foreign language communication skills, and can also be used as independent interactive projects for the IT-sphere.
Key words: Language education; interactive learning; foreign language project competence; visual novels; video quest; imperative programming methods.
For citation
Zelenina, L. E. Visual Novels as a Method of Foreign Language Project Competence Development / L. E. Zelenina, N. G. Sosnina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 154-158. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-19.